'Little by little, a little becomes a lot.'


Picture a world where every smartphone visit takes your child one step closer to better grades. Imagine if we help your teenager into the habit of learning or revising for a few seconds, 50 times a day.

What grades would they achieve then?

At Prompt, we harness your teenager’s desire to stay connected to work to their advantage.

Studies suggest that teenagers check their phones 50-150 times daily.

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Most times when your child opens their phone, Prompt will ask them a short revision question on the school subjects you have chosen.

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Organic Compounds and Organic Materials

Chemistry / Giant Covalent Molecules


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

How it works


Download the Prompt app on your phone, and we’ll send you a link to download it onto your child’s phone. We then connect the two phones, and you’re good to go.

Installing Prompt for you and your child takes most people less than 2 minutes

Choose Subject

Take a look through our curriculum and choose which subjects you think your child might benefit from revising more – chemistry, history,French vocab? You can then allocate these to your child’s learning programme.

Watch them learn

Now let Prompt do the work! Most times when your child picks up their phone, Prompt will ask a question on the subjects you have chosen.

Prompt monitors the questions your child can’t yet answer. We use our proprietary algorithm to repeat these questions at intervals throughout the day to help your child learn.

Help your child learn efficiently

Prompt works on the basis of ‘spaced repetition’. This is a proven technique that helps learners remember facts and figures by presenting the material a number of times, with intervals between.

The key to this method is that the brain receives the information over a longer period, so it’s more likely to stay put. This is in direct contrast to last-minute cramming, where there’s an overload of information in a short period of time. Studies have shown that spaced repetition is c.15% more effective than cramming, in terms of long term factual recall.

'Great things are done by a series 
of small things brought together.'

Vincent van Gogh

Better results, one step at a time

It’s simple: with the Prompt app, most times your child opens up their phone, they’ll have to do a teeny-tiny piece of homework before they can navigate to where they actually wanted to go. The result? Around 50 learning opportunities, every single day. 

Imagine the difference this will make to their grades, if your child spends just a few extra minutes every day over the school year focussing on strategic learning, and a little less time scrolling through their phones.  

The sooner you engage your child with Prompt, the more they will learn!

Frequently asked questions

Prompt is aimed at school children and students studying under the British school curriculum up to GCSE aged between 10 and 16, and their parents or guardians. It’s a learning app designed to help pupils remember the facts they need to gain better grades in their exams, including GSCEs and iGCSEs.

Prompt is intended to help children learn the things that just need learning.  Their teachers in school will do a fantastic job of explaining key concepts and how to apply them; Prompt just helps with the hard yards of committing things to memory.

Every 5 minutes, while a teenager is using social apps on their phone, Prompt will interrupt to ask a multi choice question. The child can’t access the ‘fun’ apps on their device until they have answered the question. This presents the child with a small learning opportunity every time they want to message their friend or visit a social media site.

By helping your son or daughter remember facts, Prompt helps increase their understanding of the subjects they’re studying at school. Whether they’re in Year 7 and trying to learn basic French vocabulary, or GCSE students preparing to sit their end-of-school exams, Prompt will help them learn more efficiently.  
Imagine how much better they may do if they think about their schoolwork – just briefly – another 50 times every day…
We are covering all the curriculum material for GCSE – see what subjects are currently available here.

As a parent/guardian, you can choose which subjects Prompt will focus on.  We recommend you discuss this with your children – they will know what their weak points are and Prompt is an easy way to help them. If in doubt, your child’s teachers will be best placed to offer reliable advice on areas of focus.

All of our questions have been prepared by qualified teachers or tutors.  The questions for each topic cover all key factual material required for GCSEs and iGCSEs, for all major examination boards.

We have worked to ensure we cover all key material for all examination boards.  Our teachers believe that students who know all the Prompt material on any topic should be well placed to score an 8 or above, provided they can also apply it…

Prompt is simple to install.  You need access to your phone, your apple ID and password, and your child’s device (unlocked!).  The whole process should take around 3 minutes.  

We are working on it!  We have developed Prompt for iOS and will have Prompt ready for Android phones in a couple of months.

Prompt is based on a learning technique known as ‘spaced repetition’. In this approach, students learn through covering information repeatedly but at intervals (spaces), rather than just cramming all in one go.  Studies have shown this approach to be 10-15% more effective at helping people remember things.

There are two rewards for correct answers!  The first is that a child gets to return to the app they were previously looking at more quickly.  The second is that they will perform better in their exams! Whether you choose to offer a parental reward for engaging positively with Prompt, or for getting those sought after results, is up to you!

If the child answers incorrectly, Prompt will reveal the right answer.  Your child will have a period of a 7 seconds to think about this, before they can regain access to their app.  This reflection period will help them learn it for next time, and also (we think) provide an incentive to get the answers right!

Once installed on a child’s phone, only a parent or guardian can delete it.

Yes, the parent version of Prompt will enable you to see how your child is doing -how many questions they answer each day, how many they are getting right, etc.

Prompt doesn’t restrict use of the phone.  We are only aiming to interrupt children when they are using recreational apps – as a parent, you get to decide which apps to restrict.

The answer to this is, maybe. Possibly at first. But here at Prompt, we believe strongly that little things add up.  We think the interruption for children in accessing their phones is small, but the results are big.   And we think children will quickly begin to enjoy learning as they gain knowledge and see themselves doing better at school. And even if they don’t thank you for it, they’ll certainly be pleased when they find they’re sailing through their exams!

Yes!  You can have any number of children (!) on Prompt.  We are working on preparing the question material for younger students, and once we have done that you will be able to have different children working at the same time.

We’re afraid we can’t give you any guarantees about their grades because (as any good teacher will explain), students need to know material and apply it properly to get top marks.  But we can guarantee you that your children will learn more with Prompt – you will be able to see some of the stats on your own Prompt account.  And if they know the material on Prompt, they will be half way there.

While we are testing Prompt it is free. Once operational, we are expecting to charge about £3-4/month per child.  That’s a cappuccino a month…